Peace of Mind

With all the talking heads in the media spouting off inaccuracies these days it’s hard to know who you can trust. I am a disabled Veteran who risked his life for this country. I was sent to Iraq to fight an unjust war that robbed me of my peace of mind and physical well-being, and every night I am awakened by the atrocities that I was forced to carry out by the U.S. government. Right now, poor people are being convinced to vote against the very programs that allow them to feed their children. Teenagers just barely out of highschool are being sent to war under the promise that the military will take care of them- when the reality is once they are released back into the civilian world they will have to fight for years to finally receive the benefits they deserve. In this country, we are given two choices: vote for a Democrat, or vote for a Republican. And we call this a democracy? Vote for the rich or vote for…the rich? That’s why I created this blog- so we will all know who’s lying now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Evil Genius of Fox News

Fox News is at it again.  Which logical fallacy are they using now?

It's in big, bold letters on the front page of their politics section: 

Biden Says He's Not 'Second-Guessing' China's One Child Rule

What they're hoping we'll assume is that Biden is condoning China's strict enforcement of one child per family.  They go on to quote conservative women's rights movements (as if there is such a thing) and Mitt Romney, all of whom appear to be outraged by these remarks. "Really, Mr. Vice President? You're not second-guessing a policy that has resulted in untold numbers of forced abortions, forced sterilizations, outrageous fines or even jail time for families that dare to defy the law, and a gender imbalance crisis?" the Susan B. Anthony List said on its blog. What I find odd, and perhaps even refreshing, is that Fox actually includes the full quote, where Biden goes on to say, "the result being that you're in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people.  Not sustainable."  Now, we all know Mr. Biden has had his fair share of gaffes.  But is this really one of them?  Or is it just the media picking apart his words so they can use them to appeal to their anti-abortion majority?  As for which logical fallacy they're using:  my verdict is "Stacking the Deck."  Fox News has "Stacked the Deck" in their favor by directing the audience's attention away from important information.

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