Peace of Mind

With all the talking heads in the media spouting off inaccuracies these days it’s hard to know who you can trust. I am a disabled Veteran who risked his life for this country. I was sent to Iraq to fight an unjust war that robbed me of my peace of mind and physical well-being, and every night I am awakened by the atrocities that I was forced to carry out by the U.S. government. Right now, poor people are being convinced to vote against the very programs that allow them to feed their children. Teenagers just barely out of highschool are being sent to war under the promise that the military will take care of them- when the reality is once they are released back into the civilian world they will have to fight for years to finally receive the benefits they deserve. In this country, we are given two choices: vote for a Democrat, or vote for a Republican. And we call this a democracy? Vote for the rich or vote for…the rich? That’s why I created this blog- so we will all know who’s lying now.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Big Picture

Well I think there are good Republicans and good Democrats; it’s just that there are people that are even better at manipulation.  I watch a lot of news channels and look at a lot of sites and you can find out very quickly what ones are pulling your leg, I challenge you to watch fox news and then after look up the stuff they talked about and see if its fact or bull shit and I am betting you’ll find it to be bull shit.  One thing I noticed about Fox news is that they use a lot of host not news anchors, and host don’t seem to get in trouble for lying.  News anchors are there to state the facts and hosts can state their opinions and claim them to be fact honestly that’s not fair I mean I could easily go on a well known station that everyone watches and lie out my ass about things and because it’s a highly watch channel people usually will believe it.  I just wish people were held accountable for what they say; if you attentions are to lie and deceive then you should be beaten or at least put in jail.  Honestly I could go on and on how I hate liars and people who cheat people and people who will screw up others lives to pad their pockets, it has gone way too far and I think there should be a law to stop it.  Well hopefully I will get some views In the near future so I know what direction to go and who I’m offending.  I am not a angry person I have a great life and family, I am just unable to work due to my disabilities and I genuinely care about people and hate to see people screwed over.  Well I would love to take this blog different ways and I would love to find a few people to write on it with me let’s take this somewhere.

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